Some notes and thoughts from our meeting. . .
- Lisbeth’s character appears different in the Swedish film vs. the book
- Are the filmmakers disempowering females?
- Is Lisbeth’s character “eroticized” while being a “bad ass?”
- What effect did the sex scene have on our perceptions of Lisbeth and Blomkvist?
- Why did the film draw out her interactions with her guardian unlike the book?
- Noticeable in the Swedish version that Blomkvist wants Lisbeth to stay in his bed ? In the movie, her vulnerability is shown in the form of a kiss whereas the book was a gift.
- In the movie was she “more masculine” than the book?
- Who is Lisbeth supposed to be?
- In the movie, she visits her mother only once which is “more masculine” and in the book she visits several times.
- It would be interesting to see the gender of the film producers and script writers? How might the character’s portrayal be influenced?
- How was the strength of the characters depicted in the movie? The group believed the strength was limited in the movie given that the the book allows for more depth of the characters.
- How do we process the violence in the film? It is important to show people and get discussion. What if the film showed stats like the book?
Would an American audience have viewed the film if it was called “Men who Hate Women?”
Ongoing question. . .why do we shy away from allowing women to use violence? Is all violence equal? What are we telling women about violence?
Start reading “The Girl Who Played With Fire.” 2 meetings will be scheduled 1) last week of March and 2) and 3rd or 4th week in April. Stay tuned!
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